I'm Just Saying, Uncategorized

Is It Just Me?

Pardon the misspelled word above. This is how it appeared in the image. But moving right along…When I first saw this brand many years ago I looked up the meaning, as I had never heard the word nike.  The definition of the word was just this- a deity of victory.  From that time forward I never bought or allowed the brand shoe in my house. I have even cut the swoosh off of shirts that were given to me.  I’m just crazy like that.  My humble opinion is that any and all victory comes from Allah alone. Only. To even wear this name just to me is like saying this is where I want victory to come from.  Is it just me?

Our enemies are on all sides, remember the promise of Shaytan when he was banished from paradise? He will lie in wait on the straight path and approach us from the front, the back, the right and the left. At first glance it may seem that this means things we perceive in front of us, in back on the right, and on the left, but no, my dear reader.  Upon further research it became known to me that from the front is to put doubt in our minds on the hereafter and our final rewards or punishments. From the back is to entice us to over indulge in this life and its “trappings” (consider that  word trappings….. How come sales have to be NOW!!! Hurry! for a limited time only!?). From the right is to cast misunderstandings about the religion, and from the left is to entice us to commit sin.

As for the nike brand on “Islamic” sportswear, my opinion not surprisingly would be to avoid at any and all costs.  I agree with the sisters who endorse the Islamic businesses. And even if it weren’t for the questionable meaning behind the logo, it’s still not a Muslim business, and is therefore taking money from our community. I’m just saying…

2 thoughts on “Is It Just Me?”

    1. thank you for reading, and i apologize for the very long time to reply. Still getting the gist of the operations, but in time in shaa Allaah I’l l get better and more consistent. wa alaikum as salaam wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh

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